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- #5150
- @001 Enter the name of the CORPORATION:
- @002 Enter the name of the SHAREHOLDERS:
- @515 Enter present number of shares held by SHAREHOLDERS:
- @516/@516/@516 Enter the class of stock held:
- common
- preferred
- @517 Enter the signatory to act as SECRETARY of agreement:
- @518 Enter the SECRETARY's complete address:
- #5151 Will shareholders future purchases be under this agreement?
- #5152
- #5153 Will shares that are sold be subject to agreement?
- #5154 Do you desire to restrict voting for officers?
- #if#5154
- @618 Enter the names of the candidates to be voted for:
- @619 Enter the offices to be voted for:
- @520/@520/@520 Votes for replacement officers will be counted by:
- one vote per signatory
- one vote per share owned on voting date by the party voting
- #endif
- #5155 Will the agreement provide a minimum sales price per share?
- #if#5155
- !521 Enter the minimum price per share:
- #endif
- #5156 Will signatories have an option to purchase shares sold?
- #5157 Will signatories vote for/against a buy out/merger proposal?
- #if#5157
- @522/@522 The parties will vote:
- against
- to approve
- @523 Enter name of party proposing a merger:
- #endif
- #5158
- #end control section
- #5150
- /* Para. 5150: Shareholder's agreement opening */
- WHEREAS, @002, referred to hereafter as SHAREHOLDERS, are
- the owners of a total of @515 shares of @516 stock of @001 and
- they desire to agree to certain actions to be taken to protect
- the value of their holdings, IT IS AGREED:
- That @517, whose address is @ 518, a charter signatory to this
- agreement, shall act as the SECRETARY of this agreement.
- #5151
- /* Para. 5151: Future purchases */
- All future purchases of the same class stock by the
- signatories to this agreement shall also subject the newly
- purchased shares to this agreement. The SECRETARY of this
- agreement shall be notified of any future purchases of shares.
- #5152
- /* Para. 5152: Any transmorgrification subject to agreement */
- In the event that the CORPORATION shall reorganize or
- recapitalize, then the agreement shall continue into force with
- the security or securities issued in lieu of this class being
- subject to the agreement.
- #5153
- /* Para. 5153.arm: When sold purchaser must agree */
- If any SHAREHOLDER transfers his shares, the SHAREHOLDER shall be
- required to have the transferee execute this agreement.
- All shares subject to this agreement shall be conspicuously
- endorsed with the following legend:
- "These shares are subject to restrictions contained in a
- shareholders agreement dated _________________________________."
- A copy may be obtained from @517, whose address is @518." All
- signatories to this agreement shall notify the SECRETARY of any
- transfer, and provide a full copy of the documents of transfer to
- #5154
- /* Para. 5154: Vote for specified individuals */
- All shares subject to this agreement shall be voted for the
- following candidates for the offices stated:
- @618
- @619
- In the event that the individuals set forth above are unwilling
- or incapable of serving, then a vote of the shareholders shall be
- taken for new candidates, all of whom shall be signatories to
- this agreement, then holding stock in the CORPORATION. A simple
- majority vote shall be necessary with votes being counted by
- @520.
- In the event of failure to obtain a majority, a run off will be
- held among the top two finishers.
- In the event that no signatory is willing or eligible to serve,
- and all signatories decline to run, a non-signatory may be
- nominated, and elected by a simple majority with votes being
- counted by @520.
- #5155
- /* Para. 5155: Minimum share price */
- The parties hereto agree that they shall not sell any of the
- shares covered by this agreement unless it is at a minimum price
- of $ @521 (!521 dollars) per share. In the event of a
- recapitalization, the price shall be adjusted so that equivalent
- units of stock are subject to the same minimum price as stated
- above.
- #5156
- /* Para. 5156: Right of refusal option */
- In the event that any shareholder desires to sell any part of
- their holdings to an individual not a signatory to this
- agreement, they shall obtain such bona fide offers as they may
- desire, and report the offers in writing to the SECRETARY, and
- shall mark the offer which they desire to accept. The SECRETARY
- shall then notify all of the signatories of the proposed offer,
- and any signatory shall be entitled to a right of first refusal
- to purchase the shares on the same terms as the accepted offer
- within 30 days. In the event that more than one signatory is
- desirous of purchasing the shares shall be sold pro-rata to each
- shareholder desiring to purchase the same.
- #5157
- /* Para. 5157: Merger- sale */
- The signatories shall all vote @522 that certain merger or asset
- purchase subject to the approval of shareholders proposed by @523
- and any additional offers made by @523.
- #5158
- /* Para. 5158: End, GSD */
- This agreement shall be binding upon the successors of the
- signatories.
- Dated: ____________________________________
- ___________________________________________________
- ___________________________________________________